
December 2020 UGC Agenda

Wednesday, December 16, 2020 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM

I. Call to Order: 

II. Announcements/Discussion 

  • Internships discussion

Action Items


CHHS New Program : Bachelor’s Degree (any)/Accelerated MS in Nutrition


CEHD Modified Program E1-BA-HDFS: Human Development and Family Science, BA
CEHD Modified Program HDFS: Human Development and Family Science Minor
CHHS Modified Program HH-BS-COMH: Community Health, BS
CVPA Modified Program AR-BA-FAVS: Film and Video Studies, BA
PROV Modified Program UN-BAS-APLS: Applied Science, BAS
VSE Modified Program : Mechanical Engineering, BS/Applied and Engineering Physics, Accelerated MS
VSE Modified Program VS-BS-CS: Computer Science, BS
VSE Modified Program VS-BS-STIC: Statistics, BS


BUS New Course FNAN 488: Applied Equity Research
CEHD New Course ECED 492: Internship in Early Childhood Education (Non-Licensure)
CEHD New Course HDFS 480: Special Topics in Human Development and Family Science
CHHS New Course GCH 410: Physical Activity and Public Health
CHHS New Course GCH 466: Physical Activity and Public Health Capstone
VSE New Course SWE 419: Object-Oriented Software Design and Implementation
CHSS New Course ANTH 121: People of the Earth: Humanity’s First Five Million Years
CHSS New Course ANTH 373: Archaeological Science
CHSS New Course ANTH 374: Archaeology of Hunter-Gatherers
CHSS New Course ANTH 394: Archaeology of Climate Change
CHSS New Course INTS 299: Study Abroad
CHSS New Course INTS 363: Social Justice Narratives
CHSS New Course INTS 456: Self-Care and Well-Being for Helping Professionals
CHSS New Course KORE 385: Introduction to Korean Linguistics
CHSS New Course RELI 318: Korean Philosophy and Religions
COS New Course BIOL 102: Introductory Biology I-Survey of Biodiversity and Ecology
COS New Course EVPP 381: Nature and Culture in Global Wetlands
CVPA New Course AVT 409: User Experience Design
CVPA New Course FAVS 204: Ways of Seeing: Perception, Form and Film
CVPA New Course FAVS 304: Ways of Thinking: Film, TV, and Beyond
CVPA New Course FAVS 320: Afrofuturism and Their Kin
PROV New Course UNIV 381: Foundations for Building a Just Society
VSE New Course SYST 130: Introduction to Computing for Digital Systems Engineering


COS Modified Course BIOL 103: Introductory Biology II-Survey of Cell and Molecular Biology
COS Modified Course BIOL 105: Introductory Biology II Laboratory
COS Modified Course GGS 325: Geography of North Africa and the Middle East
CVPA Modified Course FAVS 225: Introduction to World Cinema
CVPA Modified Course FAVS 352: Ethics of Film and Video
CVPA Modified Course FAVS 400: Career Development Seminar
VSE Modified Course IT 315: Mobile Development
VSE Modified Course IT 322: Health Data Challenges
VSE Modified Course IT 324: Health Information Technology Fundamentals
VSE Modified Course SYST 469: Human Computer Interaction
VSE Modified Course SYST 473: Decision and Risk Analysis


CHSS Inactivated Course WMST 403: Lesbian and Bisexual Theories 
VSE Inactivated Course IT 495: Turning Ideas into Successful Companies



CHSS Modified Program IO: Industrial/Organizational Psychology Minor
CHSS Modified Program LA-BA-PSYC: Psychology, BA
CHSS Modified Program LA-BA-RELI: Religious Studies, BA
CHSS Modified Program LA-BS-PSYC: Psychology, BS
COS Modified Program SC-BS-EVSC: Environmental Science, BS
CVPA Modified Program AR-BA-AVT: Art and Visual Technology, BA
CVPA Modified Program AR-BA-MUSI: Music, BA
CVPA Modified Program AR-BFA-AVT: Art and Visual Technology, BFA
CVPA Modified Program AR-CERB-GD: Graphic Design Undergraduate Certificate
VSE Modified Program INFT: Information Technology Minor
VSE Modified Program VS-BS-BIOE: Bioengineering, BS
VSE Modified Program VS-BS-CEIE: Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, BS
BUS Modified Program REAL: Real Estate Development Minor


CEHD Modified Course EDSE 443: Instructional Strategies for Math
CEHD Modified Course EDSE 446: Clinical Practice and Seminar 2: General
CEHD Modified Course HEAL 405: Teaching Methods in Health Education (K-12)
CEHD Modified Course PHED 273: Net and Target Games
CEHD Modified Course PHED 308: Adapted Physical Education
CEHD Modified Course PHED 403: Elementary School Instruction in Physical Education
CHHS Modified Course HAP 395: Healthcare Finance
CHSS Modified Course INTS 292: Leadership for Sustainability
CHSS Modified Course INTS 398: Experiential Learning
CHSS Modified Course INTS 498: Experiential Learning
CHSS Modified Course SOCI 311: Sociological Theory
CHSS Modified Course WMST 318: Gender, Social Justice, and Activism 
CHSS Modified Course WMST 412: Race, Class, and LGBTQ Communities
COS Modified Course BIOL 308: Foundations of Ecology and Evolution
COS Modified Course FRSC 304: Forensic Chemistry
COS Modified Course FRSC 305: Forensic Chemistry Laboratory
COS Modified Course FRSC 418: Analytical Thinking and Violent Crime Profiling
CVPA Modified Course AVT 350: Alternative Photo Processes
CVPA Modified Course FAVS 331: Cinematography
CVPA Modified Course FAVS 333: Sound Editing and Recording
CVPA Modified Course FAVS 475: Advanced Fiction Directing
CVPA Modified Course FAVS 496: Advanced Visual Storytelling
CVPA Modified Course FAVS 498: Development for Senior Project
CVPA Modified Course THR 329: Directing
CVPA Modified Course THR 440: Advanced Studies in Directing/Dramaturgy
CVPA Modified Course THR 496: Text in Production
VSE Modified Course CEIE 403: Experimental Methods in Civil Engineering
VSE Modified Course ECE 467: Computer Networking Laboratory
VSE Modified Course IT 431: Web II: Advanced Web Development


CHSS Inactivated Course WMST 314: Stories of Gender and Human Rights
CVPA Inactivated Course FAVS 357: New Media and Film Distribution
CVPA Inactivated Course FAVS 453: Film and Video Studies Pedagogy and Principles
VSE Inactivated Course BENG 390: Engineering Design and Fabrication
VSE Inactivated Course IT 465: Peer-to-Peer Systems and Overlay Networks
VSE Inactivated Course IT 496: Decision Making in IT Ventures