
January 2019 UGC Agenda

Wednesday, January 23, 2018, 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM

I. Call to Order: 

II. Announcements/Discussion


  • Dr. Mark Ginsberg, Dean, College of Education and Human Development will join Dr. Ellen Rodgers to discuss the new Bachelor of Education major
  • Dr. Kimberly M. Holmes, Associate Dean for Student AffairsCollege of Health and Human Services will be joining us to highlight what we can expect to discuss regarding the Student Experience Redesign at the March UGC’s meeting

IIINew Business

Action Items


New Program BUS : Business, BS
New Program CEHD : BS Ed in Elementary Education, PK-6 Licensure Program
New Program CEHD : Early Childhood Education for Diverse Learners, BS
New Program CEHD : Special Education, BS
New Program CHSS : LGBTQ Studies Minor
New Program CVPA : Music for Well-Being Minor (announcement)
New Program CVPA : Studio Art Minor (announcement)
New Program VSE : Bioengineering, BS / Bioengineering, Accelerated MS


Modified Program CHHS HH-BS-COMH: Community Health, BS
Modified Program CHSS LA-BA-ECON: Economics, BA
Modified Program CHSS LA-BA-GLOA: Global Affairs, BA
Modified Program CHSS LA-BS-ECON: Economics, BS
Modified Program COS RNRG: Renewable Energy Interdisciplinary Minor
Modified Program COS SC-BA-GEOG: Geography, BA
Modified Program COS SC-BS-NEUR: Neuroscience, BS
Modified Program CVPA AR-BA-FAVS: Film and Video Studies, BA
Modified Program PROV UN-BAS-APLS: Applied Science, BAS
Modified Program VSE : BS (selected)/Statistical Science, Accelerated MS
Modified Program VSE AVIM: Aviation Flight Training and Management Minor
Modified Program VSE BIOE: Bioengineering Minor
Modified Program VSE VS-BS-ACS: Applied Computer Science, BS
Modified Program VSE VS-BS-STIC: Statistics, BS
Modified Program VSE VS-BS-SYST: Systems Engineering, BS


New Course BUS ACCT 441: Estate Planning
New Course BUS ACCT 493: Financial Planning Capstone Internship
New Course BUS FNAN 390: Introduction to Financial Planning
New Course BUS FNAN 493: Financial Planning Capstone Internship
New Course BUS MIS 433: Programming for Analytics
New Course BUS OSCM 303: Operations Management
New Course BUS OSCM 320: Supply Chain Management in a Global Economy
New Course BUS OSCM 330: Service Operations
New Course BUS OSCM 352: Management Science
New Course BUS OSCM 430: Design Thinking for Innovations Operations
New Course BUS OSCM 435: Business Process Analysis and Simulation
New Course BUS OSCM 440: Public Sector Operations
New Course BUS OSCM 452: Business Forecasting
New Course BUS OSCM 456: Quality Management
New Course BUS OSCM 460: Management of Product and Process Technologies
New Course BUS OSCM 462: Honors Seminar in Operations Management (Topic Varies)
New Course BUS OSCM 491: Seminar in Operations Management
New Course BUS OSCM 492: Internship in Operations Management
New Course BUS OSCM 493: Management of Technology Projects
New Course BUS OSCM 499: Independent Study in Operations Management
New Course CEHD EDCI 423: Methods for Teaching PK-6 English Learners in Inclusive Classrooms
New Course CEHD EDSE 204: Disability in a Global Society
New Course CEHD EDUC 200: Introduction to Education: Teaching, Learning and Schools 
New Course CEHD ELED 305: Foundations of Elementary Methods and Management
New Course CEHD ELED 342: Foundations of Elementary Education
New Course CEHD ELED 357: Integrating Technology in PreK-6
New Course CEHD ELED 401: Classroom Management and Instructional Strategies for Diverse Learners
New Course CEHD ELED 411: Reading Development, Processes, Assessment, and Pedagogy
New Course CEHD ELED 412: Writing Development. Processes and Pedagogy 
New Course CEHD ELED 422: Collaboration in PK-6 Inclusive School Settings
New Course CEHD ELED 443: Children, Family, Culture, and Schools, 4-12 Year Olds
New Course CEHD ELED 444: Curriculum and Methods of Teaching in Elementary Education
New Course CEHD ELED 445: Differentiating Elementary Methods and Management
New Course CEHD ELED 452: Mathematics Methods for the Elementary Classroom
New Course CEHD ELED 453: Science Methods for the Elementary Classroom
New Course CEHD ELED 454: Methods of Teaching Social Studies and Integrating Fine Arts in the Elementary Classroom
New Course CEHD ELED 455: Literacy Teaching and Learning in Diverse Elementary Classrooms I
New Course CEHD ELED 456: Literacy Teaching and Learning in Diverse Elementary Classrooms II
New Course CEHD ELED 459: Research and Assessment in Elementary Education
New Course CEHD ELED 480: Practicum in Elementary Education
New Course CEHD ELED 490: Internship in Elementary Education
New Course CEHD RECR 157: Squash: Introduction
New Course CHSS ARAB 355: Advanced Arabic Media: Debates Context
New Course CHSS ARAB 470: Special Topics in Modern Arabic Studies
New Course CHSS ARTH 104: Design in the 20th Century
New Course CHSS ARTH 343: The Art of Venice
New Course CHSS BIS 304: Introduction to BIS
New Course CHSS COMM 369: Multimedia Storytelling
New Course CHSS ECON 395: Effective Writing in Economics
New Course CHSS FREN 380: The Making of Modern France
New Course CHSS HIST 334: American Scriptures
New Course CHSS INTS 434: Research for Social Change
New Course CHSS RELI 334: American Scriptures
New Course CHSS SOCI 431: Survey Research
New Course CHSS SPAN 215: Intermediate Spanish for Heritage Speakers
New Course CHSS WMST 318: Gender, Social Justice, and Activism 
New Course CHSS WMST 319: Gender, Health, and Culture in the United States
New Course CHSS WMST 375: Gender, Race, Sexuality, and TV
New Course CHSS WMST 399: Current Topics in LGBTQ Studies 
New Course CHSS WMST 403: Lesbian and Bisexual Theories 
New Course CHSS WMST 404: Gender, Sexuality, and Disability 
New Course CHSS WMST 413: LGBTQ Issues in Education 
New Course CHSS WMST 415: LGBTQ Health
New Course CHSS WMST 416: Policing Black Bodies 
New Course CHSS WMST 417: Race, Class, Gender, and Sports (roll back per CHSS)
New Course CHSS WMST 419: Gender, Race and Mental Health
New Course COS EVPP 433: Natural Science for Educators 
New Course COS FRSC 101: Principles of Forensic Science
New Course COS GGS 317: Geography of China
New Course CVPA AVT 344: Bookmaking: Books Enclosures
New Course CVPA AVT 357: Photobook: Concepts Form
New Course CVPA FAVS 433: Advanced Sound
New Course CVPA MUSI 217: Theory for 18th-Century Music
New Course VSE BENG 241: Biomechanics and Biomaterials Laboratory
New Course VSE BENG 371: Bioinstrumentation and Devices Laboratory
New Course VSE BENG 391: Bioengineering Professional Development 
New Course VSE BENG 413: Molecular Engineering Laboratory
New Course VSE BENG 414: Pathophysiology and the Role of New Technologies in Human Diseases
New Course VSE BENG 430: Continuum Biomechanics and Biotransport II
New Course VSE BENG 434: Computational Modelling of Neurons and Networks
New Course VSE BENG 435: Multi-scale Modeling and Simulation in Biomedicine
New Course VSE BENG 438: Advanced Biomedical Imaging
New Course VSE BENG 470: Bioinstrumentation and Devices II
New Course VSE BENG 487: Neuroinformatics
New Course VSE CEIE 101: Introduction to Civil Engineering
New Course VSE ME 414: Fatigue Analysis
New Course VSE ME 415: Composite Materials
New Course VSE ME 445: Finite Element Analysis
New Course VSE ME 446: Energetics
New Course VSE ME 472: Spacecraft Subsystems
New Course VSE SYST 205: Systems Engineering Principles
New Course VSE SYST 230: Object-oriented Modeling and Design



Modified Course CEHD EDUC 301: Educating Diverse and Exceptional Learners
Modified Course CHSS HDFS 498: Internship and Analysis in Human Development and Family Science
Modified Course CHSS HDFS 499: Advanced Internship and Analysis in Human Development and Family Science
Modified Course CHSS PSYC 373: Biopsychology Laboratory
Modified Course COS GGS 412: Air Photography Interpretation
Modified Course PROV CONS 100: Introduction to Field Conservation Ecology
Modified Course PROV CONS 320: Conservation in Practice
Modified Course PROV CONS 401: Conservation Theory
Modified Course PROV CONS 402: Applied Conservation
Modified Course PROV CONS 404: Biodiversity Monitoring
Modified Course PROV CONS 405: Landscape and Macrosystems Ecology
Modified Course PROV CONS 406: Small Population Management
Modified Course PROV CONS 410: Human Dimensions in Conservation
Modified Course PROV CONS 440: Ecology Field Skills
Modified Course PROV CONS 460: Statistics and Study Design in Ecology and Conservation
Modified Course PROV CONS 480: Primate Behavior, Ecology and Conservation
Modified Course PROV CONS 490: RS: Integrated Conservation Strategies
Modified Course PROV CONS 491: RS: Conservation Management Planning
Modified Course VSE CS 484: Data Mining
Modified Course VSE IT 495: Turning Ideas into Successful Companies
Modified Course VSE SYST 473: Decision and Risk Analysis


Inactivated Program CEHD ESTU: Education Studies Minor


Inactivated Course CHSS ANTH 303: Peoples and Cultures of the Andes
Inactivated Course CHSS ANTH 306: Peoples and Cultures of Island Asia
Inactivated Course CHSS ANTH 315: Socialization Processes: Family, Childhood, Personality in Cross-Cultural Perspective
Inactivated Course CHSS ECON 110: Introduction to Economic Science
Inactivated Course CHSS ECON 320: Labor Problems



Modified Program CHSS ANTH: Anthropology Minor
Modified Program CHSS APNS: Asia-Pacific and Northeast Asian Studies Minor
Modified Program CHSS ARTM: Ancient Mediterranean Art and Archaeology Minor
Modified Program CHSS CHDS: Childhood Studies Minor
Modified Program CHSS CLA: Classical Studies Minor
Modified Program CHSS FOLK: Folklore and Mythology Minor
Modified Program CHSS ITLN: Italian Studies Minor
Modified Program CHSS JNL: Journalism Minor
Modified Program CHSS KRNS: Korean Studies Minor
Modified Program CHSS LA-BA-AH: Art History, BA
Modified Program CHSS LA-BA-FRLN: Foreign Languages, BA
Modified Program CHSS LA-BIS-INDV: Individualized Study, BIS
Modified Program CHSS NAIS: Native American and Indigenous Studies Minor
Modified Program CHSS SINN: Social Innovation Minor
Modified Program COS : Biology, BS/Biology, Accelerated MS
Modified Program COS SC-BA-BIOL: Biology, BA
Modified Program COS SC-BS-BIOL: Biology, BS
Modified Program COS SC-BS-CDS: Computational and Data Sciences, BS
Modified Program COS SC-BS-ESCI: Earth Science, BS
Modified Program COS SC-BS-EVSC: Environmental Science, BS
Modified Program COS SC-BS-GEOG: Geography, BS
Modified Program COS SC-BS-MATH: Mathematics, BS
Modified Program CVPA AR-BA-AVT: Art and Visual Technology, BA
Modified Program CVPA AR-BA-MUSI: Music, BA
Modified Program CVPA AR-BFA-AVT: Art and Visual Technology, BFA
Modified Program CVPA AR-BM-MUSI: Music, BM
Modified Program CVPA MUSI: Music Minor
Modified Program S-CAR CA-BA-CONF: Conflict Analysis and Resolution, BA
Modified Program S-CAR CA-BS-CONF: Conflict Analysis and Resolution, BS
Modified Program VSE : BS (selected)/Operations Research, Accelerated MS
Modified Program VSE : BS (selected)/Systems Engineering, Accelerated MS
Modified Program VSE VS-BS-CEIE: Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, BS
Modified Program VSE VS-BS-INFT: Information Technology, BS


Modified Course BUS BUS 498: Capstone Course: Advanced Business Models
Modified Course BUS MIS 310: Database Management Systems
Modified Course CEHD EDSE 115: American Sign Language (ASL) I
Modified Course CEHD EDSE 116: American Sign Language (ASL) II
Modified Course CEHD EDSE 219: American Sign Language (ASL) III
Modified Course CEHD ELED 358: Children’s Literature for Teaching in Diverse Settings
Modified Course CEHD SPMT 112: Soccer Officiating
Modified Course CEHD TOUR 320: Hospitality, Tourism and Event Management Information Systems
Modified Course CHHS SOCW 361: Methods of Social Work Intervention I: Laboratory
Modified Course CHHS SOCW 362: Methods of Social Work Intervention II: Laboratory
Modified Course CHSS BIS 490: RS: Senior Project
Modified Course CHSS COMM 331: Public Relations Campaigns
Modified Course CHSS INTS 391: Understanding Integrative Studies
Modified Course CHSS KORE 310: Traditional Korean Literature in Translation
Modified Course CHSS PERS 330: Advanced Persian I
Modified Course CHSS SOCI 395: Special Topics in Sociology
Modified Course COS BIOL 495: Directed Studies in Biology
Modified Course COS BIOL 497: Special Problems in Biology
Modified Course COS CDS 421: Computational Data Science
Modified Course COS GGS 379: Remote Sensing
Modified Course CVPA AVT 414: Corporate Design and Branding
Modified Course CVPA FAVS 311: Producing I
Modified Course CVPA FAVS 312: Film Lab
Modified Course CVPA FAVS 333: Sound Editing and Recording
Modified Course VSE BENG 420: Biomedical Data Analytics
Modified Course VSE BENG 421: Cell and Tissue Engineering 
Modified Course VSE BENG 441: Nanomedicine and Drug Delivery
Modified Course VSE CEIE 490: Senior Design Project
Modified Course VSE ECE 101: Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering
Modified Course VSE ECE 331: Digital System Design
Modified Course VSE ECE 332: Digital Electronics and Logic Design Lab
Modified Course VSE ECE 350: Embedded Systems and Hardware Interfaces
Modified Course VSE ECE 446: Device Driver Development
Modified Course VSE OR 442: Stochastic Operations Research
Modified Course VSE SYST 221: Systems Modeling Laboratory
Modified Course VSE SYST 330: Systems Methods
Modified Course VSE SYST 335: Discrete Systems Modeling and Simulation
Modified Course VSE SYST 438: Analytics for Financial Engineering and Econometrics
Modified Course VSE SYST 468: Applied Predictive Analytics
Modified Course VSE SYST 469: Human Computer Interaction
Modified Course VSE SYST 470: Human Factors Engineering


Inactivated Program CHSS ESD: Economic Systems Design Minor


Inactivated Course CEHD EDIT 201: Strategies for Online Learning Success
Inactivated Course CEHD EDSE 431: Transition and Community-Based Instruction
Inactivated Course CEHD EDSE 457: Foundations of Language and Literacy for Diverse Learners
Inactivated Course CHHS GCH 430: Community Health Systems and Agencies
Inactivated Course CHHS GCH 462: Health Promotion across the Lifespan
Inactivated Course CHHS HAP 468: Health System Reform Policy Debates
Inactivated Course CHHS NUTR 314: Food in Italy
Inactivated Course CHHS SOCW 480: Research Internship in Health and Human Services
Inactivated Course CHSS ANTH 299: Independent Study
Inactivated Course CHSS ANTH 301: Native North Americans
Inactivated Course CHSS ANTH 316: Peoples and Cultures of the Caribbean
Inactivated Course CHSS ANTH 323: Digging and Dealing in the Dead: Ethics in Archaeology
Inactivated Course CHSS ANTH 372: Cultures of Disaster, Risk, and Hope
Inactivated Course CHSS ANTH 383: Cities of the Global South
Inactivated Course CHSS ANTH 420: Interpretation in Archaeology
Inactivated Course CHSS ANTH 430: Research Methods in Archaeology
Inactivated Course CHSS ANTH 435: Special Projects: Archaeology and Biological Anthropology
Inactivated Course CHSS ANTH 436: Special Projects: Archaeology and Biological Anthropology
Inactivated Course CHSS ANTH 492: Contemporary Controversies in Anthropology
Inactivated Course CHSS BIS 491: Senior Project Presentation
Inactivated Course CHSS ECON 441: Economic Systems Design: Case Studies and Analysis
Inactivated Course CHSS ECON 442: Economic Systems Design: Implementation
Inactivated Course CHSS ENGH 479: Digital Media and Web Design Capstone
Inactivated Course CHSS HAP 480: Research Internship in Health and Human Services
Inactivated Course CHSS INTS 201: The World Since 1945
Inactivated Course CHSS INTS 231: Introduction to Community Studies
Inactivated Course CHSS LAS 300: Latin American Studies: Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Inactivated Course CHSS LAS 490: Internship
Inactivated Course CHSS LAS 491: Directed Reading for Honors in Latin American Studies
Inactivated Course CHSS LAS 498: Study Abroad
Inactivated Course CHSS PERS 210: Intermediate Persian
Inactivated Course CHSS PERS 250: Gateway to Advanced Persian
Inactivated Course CHSS PHIL 101: Introduction to Philosophy for Prospective Majors
Inactivated Course CHSS PHIL 378: Reason, Science and Faith in the Modern Age
Inactivated Course CHSS PORT 210: Intermediate Portuguese
Inactivated Course CHSS TURK 210: Intermediate Turkish
Inactivated Course COS BIOL 328: Recitation for Fundamentals of Ecology and Evolution
Inactivated Course COS BIOL 406: Microbial Physiology and Metabolism
Inactivated Course COS FRSC 440: Advanced Forensic Chemistry
Inactivated Course VSE CEIE 404: Sr Engineering Competency Exam
Inactivated Course VSE IT 436: Agile Web Development with Open Source Frameworks

IV.  Adjournment


College/SchoolContact TitlePhoneEmail
INTO MASONDr. Karyn KesslerAssociate Director, Curriculum and
THE OFFICE OF THE PROVOSTMs. Jacquelyn L. NashAssociate Director, Undergraduate
THE OFFICE OF THE PROVOSTMs. Marcy GloverOps Mgr, Acad Initiatives and Services/
THE SCHOOL OF BUSINESSDr. Patrick SoleymaniAssistant Dean for Undergraduate
THE COLLEGE OF EDUCATION AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENTDr. Ellen RodgersAssociate Dean, Student and Academic
THE COLLEGE OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICESDr. Robert WeilerAssociate Dean, Academic Affairs, Global
THE COLLEGE OF SCIENCEDr. Padmanabhan SeshaiyerAssociate Dean for Academic
THE COLLEGE OF VISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTS Dr. Karen ReedyAssoc Dean for Undergraduate
THE HONORS COLLEGEDr. Jan AllbeckAssociate Dean, Honors
THE SCHAR SCHOOL OF POLICY AND GOVERNMENTDr. Ann LudwickAssistant Dean for Undergraduate Academic
THE SCHOOL FOR CONFLICT ANALYSIS AND RESOLUTIONDr. Mara SchoenyAssociate Professor, Director, Undergraduate
THE VOLGENAU SCHOOL OF ENGINEERINGDr. Colin ReagleAssistant Professor, Mechanical