November 2018 Agenda

Wednesday, November 14, 2018, 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM

I. Call to Order: 

II. Announcements/Discussion

IIINew Business

Action Items


COS New Program : Forensic Science, BS/Forensic Science, Accelerated MS
CVPA New Program : Animation Minor
SCHAR New Program : Government Analytics Minor
VSE New Program : Mechanical Engineering, BS/Computational Science, Accelerated MS
VSE New Program : Mechanical Engineering, BS/Operations Research, Accelerated MS
VSE New Program : Mechanical Engineering, BS/Systems Engineering, Accelerated MS
VSE New Program : Statistics, BS/Statistical Science, Accelerated MS

Supplemental doc: Government Analytics Minor


VSE Modified Program VS-BS-CYSE: Cyber Security Engineering, BS
VSE Modified Program VS-BS-STIC: Statistics, BS


BUS New Course BUS 491: Special Topics in Business
CEHD New Course EDSE 315: American Sign Language (ASL) IV
CEHD New Course EDSE 410: Deaf History
CEHD New Course EDSE 420: Deaf Culture
CHHS New Course HAP 408: Societal and Health Related Needs of the Aging Population
CHHS New Course HAP 411: Introduction to Revenue Cycle Management
CHSS New Course BIS 304: Transfer Transition
CHSS New Course CHIN 485: China on Stage: Introduction to Chinese Theatrical Dramas in the 20th Century
CHSS New Course JAPA 240: Introduction to Japanese Culture
CHSS New Course JAPA 420: Animals and Nature in Japan
CHSS New Course KORE 370: Advanced Korean Writing
CHSS New Course PSYC 201: Research Methods Lecture
COS New Course CDS 403: Machine Learning Applications in Science
COS New Course CHEM 310: Survey of Organic Chemistry
COS New Course FRSC 461: Forensic DNA Analysis Laboratory 
COS New Course PHYS 170: Introductory and Modern Physics for Scientists and Engineers I
COS New Course PHYS 270: Introductory and Modern Physics for Scientists and Engineers II
CVPA New Course MUSI 217: Theory for 18th-Century Music
CVPA New Course MUSI 274: Jazz/Commercial Piano
CVPA New Course MUSI 317: Baroque and Classical Forms
CVPA New Course MUSI 397: Music Technology Internship
INTO New Course EAP 101: Language Support for Fundamentals of Communication
INTO New Course EAP 403: Interpersonal Communication for International Students
INTO New Course EAP 404: Advanced English for Academic Purposes in Reading and Writing
VSE New Course BENG 214: Physiology for Engineers
VSE New Course BENG 230: Continuum Biomechanics and Transport I
VSE New Course BENG 240: Biomaterials
VSE New Course BENG 330: Computational Methods in Bioengineering
VSE New Course BENG 350: Neural System Designs
VSE New Course BENG 360: Biomedical Imaging
VSE New Course BENG 370: Bioinstrumentation and Devices I
VSE New Course CEIE 474: Construction Computer Application and Informatics
VSE New Course CEIE 476: Construction Cost Estimating
VSE New Course CEIE 477: Construction Safety and Risk Managment
VSE New Course CEIE 478: Construction Planning and Scheduling


CHSS Modified Course PSYC 372: Biopsychology
CHSS Modified Course PSYC 373: Biopsychology Laboratory
CHSS Modified Course PSYC 465: Pioneering Ideas in Psychology
VSE Modified Course STAT 356: Statistical Theory
VSE Modified Course STAT 455: Experimental Design
VSE Modified Course STAT 456: Applied Regression Analysis
VSE Modified Course STAT 463: Introduction to Exploratory Data Analysis
VSE Modified Course STAT 474: Introduction to Survey Sampling



COS Modified Program SC-BS-FRSC: Forensic Science, BS
CVPA Modified Program AR-BA-THR: Theater, BA
CVPA Modified Program AR-BFA-THR: Theater, BFA


CEHD Modified Course HEAL 110: Personal Health
CHSS Modified Course INTS 291: Living-Learning Community
CHSS Modified Course INTS 450: Social Innovation in Action
COS Modified Course EVPP 113: Ecosphere: Introduction to Environmental Science II–Lab 
COS Modified Course FRSC 415: Selected Topics in Forensic Science
COS Modified Course FRSC 460: Forensic DNA Analysis
CVPA Modified Course MUSI 115: Introduction to Music Theory 
CVPA Modified Course MUSI 215: Theory for Pop and Jazz Music
CVPA Modified Course MUSI 216: Theory for 20th- and 21st-Century Music
PROV Modified Course UNIV 106: Mason Transitions for Diverse Learners
PROV Modified Course UNIV 206: Mason Transitions for Diverse Learners
VSE Modified Course BENG 492: Senior Advanced Design Project I
VSE Modified Course BENG 493: RS: Senior Advanced Design Project II
VSE Modified Course CS 367: Computer Systems and Programming
VSE Modified Course STAT 460: Introduction to Biostatistics
VSE Modified Course STAT 462: Applied Multivariate Statistics
VSE Modified Course STAT 465: Nonparametric Statistics and Categorical Data Analysis
VSE Modified Course SWE 332: Object-Oriented Software Design and Implementation


CEHD Inactivated Course EDSE 495: Standard Applied Behavior Analysis Practicum
CEHD Inactivated Course EDSE 499: Intensive Applied Behavior Analysis Practicum
CHSS Inactivated Course ANTH 427: Historic Cemetery Survey
CHSS Inactivated Course ENGH 424: Spenser
CHSS Inactivated Course HIST 331: Postwar United States, 1945-1973
CHSS Inactivated Course HIST 332: United States since 1973
CHSS Inactivated Course HIST 333: The Automobile in the United States
CHSS Inactivated Course HIST 480: Alexander the Great
CHSS Inactivated Course INTS 302: Argument and Advocacy
CHSS Inactivated Course INTS 335: Ethics, Communication, and Freedom
CHSS Inactivated Course INTS 381: When Cultural Worlds Collide
CHSS Inactivated Course RELI 401: Death and the Afterlife in World Religions
CHSS Inactivated Course SOCI 471: Prevention and Deterrence of Crime
COS Inactivated Course CHEM 201: Introductory Chemistry I
COS Inactivated Course CHEM 202: Introductory Chemistry II
COS Inactivated Course CHEM 203: General Chemistry Laboratory I
COS Inactivated Course CHEM 204: General Chemistry Laboratory II
COS Inactivated Course CHEM 251: General Chemistry for Engineers
VSE Inactivated Course STAT 435: Analysis of Experimental Data

IV.  Adjournment


College/SchoolContact TitlePhoneEmail
INTO MASONDr. Karyn KesslerAssociate Director, Curriculum and
THE OFFICE OF THE PROVOSTMs. Jacquelyn L. NashAssociate Director, Undergraduate
THE OFFICE OF THE PROVOSTMs. Marcy GloverOps Mgr, Acad Initiatives and Services/
THE SCHOOL OF BUSINESSDr. Patrick SoleymaniAssistant Dean for Undergraduate
THE COLLEGE OF EDUCATION AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENTDr. Ellen RodgersAssociate Dean, Student and Academic
THE COLLEGE OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICESDr. Robert WeilerAssociate Dean, Academic Affairs, Global
THE COLLEGE OF SCIENCEDr. Padmanabhan SeshaiyerAssociate Dean for Academic
THE COLLEGE OF VISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTS Dr. Karen ReedyAssoc Dean for Undergraduate
THE HONORS COLLEGEDr. Jan AllbeckAssociate Dean, Honors
THE SCHAR SCHOOL OF POLICY AND GOVERNMENTDr. Ann LudwickAssistant Dean for Undergraduate Academic
THE SCHOOL FOR CONFLICT ANALYSIS AND RESOLUTIONDr. Mara SchoenyAssociate Professor, Director, Undergraduate
THE VOLGENAU SCHOOL OF ENGINEERINGDr. Colin ReagleAssistant Professor, Mechanical