Undergraduate Council Representatives 2024-2025
Representative | Contact Information | Term of Office |
Keith Renshaw Chair | Associate Provost, Undergraduate Education (703)-993-5007 krenshaw@gmu.edu | non-voting member |
Catherine Sausville Faculty Senate Representative College of Science | Director, Undergraduate Studies, Mathematical Sciences, csausvil@gmu.edu | 09/2022 - 09/2024 |
Peggy Tsirigotis School of Business | Instructor of Accounting (703) 993-1753 etsirigo@gmu.edu | 09/2021 - 09/2023 |
Corey Robinson School of Business | Assistant Dean, Undergraduate Programs (703)-993-7264 crobin27@gmu.edu | 09/2023- 09/2025 |
Mara Schoeny Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution | Associate Professor, Director, Graduate Certificates, Undergraduate Program (703)-993-9191 mschoeny@gmu.edu | 09/2021- 09/2023 |
Patricia Maulden Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution | Assistant Professor, Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution (703)-993-9804 pmaulden@gmu.edu | 09/2021- 09/2023 |
Jill Nelson College of Engineering and Computing | Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs (703)-993-1598 jnelson@gmu.edu | 09/2023- 09/2026 |
Liz White College of Engineering and Computing | Associate Chair, Computer Science, School of Computing (703) 993-1586 white@gmu.edu | 09/2023-09-2026 |
Stephanie Dodman College of Education and Human Development | Assistant Dean for Academic Excellence (703)-993-3841 sdodman@gmu.edu | 09/2024- 09/2026 |
Craig Esherick College of Education and Human Development | Associate Professor, School of Recreation, Health and Tourism Management (703)-993-9922 cesheric@gmu.edu | 09/2021- 09/2023 |
Tanya Haas College of Public Health | Assistant Professor, School of Nursing (703) 993-1927 thaas4@gmu.edu | 09/2022-09/2024 |
Robert Weiler College of Public Health | Associate Dean for Academic Affairs (703) 993-1920 rweiler@gmu.edu | 02/2021- 09/2023 |
Lisa Breglia College of Humanities and Social Sciences | Senior Associate Dean for Undergraduate Affairs, Associate Professor (703) 993-9184 lbreglia@gmu.edu | 09/2021-09/2023 |
Kelly Dunne College of Humanities and Social Sciences | Executive Director, School of Integrative Studies, kdunne@gmu.edu | 09/2022 - 09/2024 |
Gerald Weatherspoon College of Science | Associate Dean for Undergraduate and Graduate Affairs (703) 993-1456 grobert1@gmu.edu | 09/2023 - 09/2025 |
Christine Rosenfeld College of Science | Assistant Professor, Geography and GeoInformation Science, (703) 993-4298 crosenfe@gmu.edu | 09/2021-09/2023 |
Rachel Debuque College of Visual and Performing Arts | Assistant Professor School of Art, Director of Undergraduate Studies rdebuque@gmu.edu | 09/2023-09/2025 |
Lauren Wagner College of Visual and Performing Arts | Assistant Dean, Student Academic Affairs, (703)-993-1321 lwagner4@gmu.edu | 9/2021-09/2023 |
Jan Allbeck Honors College | Associate Dean, Honors College (703) 993-1101 jallbeck@gmu.edu | 09/2021-09/2023 |
John Woolsey Honors College | Assistant Professor, Cultural Studies (703) 993-1110 jwoolsey@gmu.edu | 09/2021-09/2023 |
Ann Ludwick Schar School of Policy and Government | Assistant Dean (703)-993-1415 aludwick@gmu.edu | 09/2021 - 09/2023 |
Ahsan Butt Schar School of Policy and Government | Assistant Professor, (703) 993-3184 abutt4@gmu.edu | 09/2023-09/2026 |
Christina Brady INTO George Mason University | Program Manager, UGIPP (703) 993-5139 cbrady12@gmu.edu | non-voting member |
Tom Butler Office of the Registrar | Senior Associate Registrar (703) 993-4011 tbutle@gmu.edu | non-voting member |
Jesse Guessford Office of the Provost, Undergraduate Education | Associate Director Undergraduate Education, Curriculum (703)-993-4113 jguessfo@gmu.edu | non-voting member |
Janette Muir Office of the Provost | Vice Provost, Academic Affairs (703) 993-8891 jmuir@gmu.edu | non-voting member |
K. M. Shires Office of the Provost, Undergraduate Education | UGC Council Secretary ugc@gmu.edu | non-voting member |
Jennifer Chism | Assistant Dean of Admissions (703) 993-2758 jchism@gmu.edu | non-voting member |