Wednesday, May 09, 2018, 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
I. Call to Order:
II. Announcements/Discussion
- Guest: Dr. John Zenelis, University Libraries will initiate a discussion about library services
- Housekeeping: Review of AY 18-19 UGC Draft Meeting Schedule
- Review of Undergraduate Certificates
- Review of Minors
- Mason Mpact
- Discussion: What undergraduate curricular data would the council members be interested in seeing on a regular basis?
- UGC Survey Results: May 09 2018 UGC Results
III. New Business
Action Items
COS-New Program | Urban Informatics Minor * tabled upon request(s) |
COS-New Course | PHYS 391: Special Topics in Physics |
CHHS-New Course | RHBS 430: Advanced Functional Clinical Assessments |
COS-Edited Course | MATH 203: Linear Algebra |
COS-Edited Course | MATH 453: Advanced Mathematical Statistics |
COS-Edited Course | MATH 493: Topics in Applicable Mathematics |
PROV-Edited Course | CONS 400: Conservation Seminar |
PROV-Edited Course | CONS 404: Biodiversity Monitoring |
PROV-Edited Course | CONS 405: Landscape and Macrosystems Ecology |
PROV-Edited Course | CONS 406: Small Population Management |
PROV-Edited Course | CONS 491: RS: Conservation Management Planning |
COS-Deleted Course | EVPP 380: Wetlands of the World |
COS-Deleted Course | EVPP 468: Vertebrate Natural History |
CHHS-Edited Program | Rehabilitation Science, BS |
CHHS-Edited Program | Rehabilitation Science Minor |
COS-Edited Program | Biology, BA |
COS-Edited Program | Biology, BS |
COS-Edited Program | Environmental Science, BS |
CEHD-Edited Course | TOUR 480: Special Topics |
College/School | Contact | Title | Phone | |
INTO MASON | Dr. Karyn Kessler | Associate Director, Curriculum and Instruction | 3-5014 | kkessle3@gmu.edu |
THE OFFICE OF THE PROVOST | Ms. Jacquelyn L. Nash | Associate Director, Undergraduate Education | 3-3223 | jhilldru@gmu.edu |
THE OFFICE OF THE PROVOST | Ms. Marcy Glover | Ops Mgr, Acad Initiatives and Services/4-VA | 3-8722 | mglover2@gmu.edu |
THE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS | Dr. Patrick Soleymani | Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Programs | 3-5137 | psoleyma@gmu.edu |
THE COLLEGE OF EDUCATION AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT | Dr. Ellen Rodgers | Associate Dean, Student and Academic Affairs | 3-2034 | erodger1@gmu.edu |
THE COLLEGE OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES | Dr. Robert Weiler | Associate Dean, Academic Affairs, Global Health | 3-1920 | rweiler@gmu.edu |
THE COLLEGE OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES | Dr. Lisa Breglia | Director, Global Affairs Program | 3-9184 | lbreglia@gmu.edu |
THE COLLEGE OF SCIENCE | Dr. Padmanabhan Seshaiyer | Associate Dean for Academic Affairs | 3-9787 | pseshaiy@gmu.edu |
THE COLLEGE OF VISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTS | Dr. Karen Reedy | Assoc Dean for Undergraduate Ed | 3-9767 | kreedy@gmu.edu |
THE HONORS COLLEGE | Dr. Jan Allbeck | Associate Dean, Honors College | 3-1101 | jallbeck@gmu.edu |
THE SCHAR SCHOOL OF POLICY AND GOVERNMENT | Dr. Ann Ludwick | Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Academic Affairs | 3-1415 | aludwick@gmu.edu |
THE SCHOOL FOR CONFLICT ANALYSIS AND RESOLUTION | Dr. Mara Schoeny | Associate Professor, Director, Undergraduate Program | 3-9191 | mschoeny@gmu.edu |
THE VOLGENAU SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING | Dr. Colin Reagle | Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering | 3-1712 | creagle@gmu.edu |