Bylaws (April 2016)


As approved 6 April 2016


The name of this organization shall be the George Mason University Undergraduate Council (UC).


The Undergraduate Council is an advisory and legislative board on matters of undergraduate education at George Mason University in accordance with polices set forth by the Board of Visitors.

The principal function of the UC is to review and make recommendations to the Provost on behalf of the University regarding the undergraduate curriculum. This specifically includes:

a. Reviewing proposals for the creation, modification, or discontinuation of all undergraduate academic degree programs, certificate programs, new bachelor’s/accelerated master’s programs, minors, and courses;
b. Monitoring undergraduate program assessment;
c. Serving in an advisory capacity to the Senate regarding academic policies for undergraduates.


Section A: UC Chairperson

1. Appointment:

The Committee Chair shall be a tenured faculty member and shall be appointed by the Provost. The Chair cannot also serve as a faculty representative on the UC. The Chair is not a voting member of the UC.

2. Responsibilities and Duties:

a. The Chair is responsible for ensuring that UC decisions are coordinated with George Mason University policies, the George Mason University Faculty Senate, and procedures as set forth by the George Mason University Board of Visitors.

b. The Chair’s duties shall include:

i.   distribution of both the agenda and relevant information to the members of the Committee at least one week in advance of meetings;
ii.  collection and dissemination of the reports of UC committees in advance of UC meetings;
iii. referral of agenda items to sub-committees of the UC when necessary;
iv. managing charges and follow-up procedures with sub-committees that have been established by the UC;
v.  presiding at UC meetings;
vi. overseeing the conduct of all votes among the UC.

Section B: Representatives

1. Representation:

a. The membership of the UC shall include the Chair and two faculty representatives from each College/School/Academic Institute.

i. The first faculty representative shall be appointed by the Dean, while the second shall be a full-time instructional faculty member selected by the academic unit in accordance with its bylaws.
ii. One member shall be elected by and from the Faculty Senate.

b. Non-voting members shall be invited to participate. They may be included from areas such as the following:

Academic Advising, Retention and Transitions (or representative from MAAN)
Undergraduate Student Government
Registrar’s Office
Distance Education

c. The term of membership is two years. In the case of a faculty vacancy, the Dean or Director shall appoint a replacement to complete the term unless the academic unit has provided otherwise for continued representation. Members, including those there by administrative appointment, are limited to three consecutive terms.

2. UC Sub-Committees:

a. Ad hoc or other sub-committees may be established by the UC as deemed necessary to discharge its functions and responsibilities.
b. Membership: The Chair and at least one other member of a committee must be members of the UC. Other members of the sub-committee may be appointed by the UC Chair upon approval of the UC.
c. The charge to a sub-committee shall include the composition, purpose, and completion date.
d. An ad hoc committee will make a final report to the UC, at which time it will be discharged.

Section C: Meetings

  1. Regular Meetings: UC meetings shall be held monthly during the academic year.
  2. Special Meetings: Additional meetings may be called by the Chair, with at least one week’s notice, as necessary.
  3. Quorum: A quorum consists of two-thirds of the voting members. If a member cannot attend, he or she may appoint a substitute. This substitute may discuss and vote on matters before the Council at that meeting.
  4. Super-majority votes: Most decision-making is based on a simple majority vote; for denying program related changes as well as modifying the UC Bylaws, a two/thirds majority vote of approval is required.

ARTICLE IV: Amendment of Bylaws

These bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the UC by a two-thirds vote, provided that the amendment has been submitted in writing at the previous regular meeting.

An amendment to the bylaws shall take effect after the approval of the Faculty Senate, the Provost, and the President.