NOVEMBER 2016 Agenda and Minutes
Wednesday, November 9th
3:00 PM to 4:30 PM
I. Call to Order
II. Announcements/Discussion
- Discussion of difference between ACTION and ANNOUNCEMENT submissions
III. New Business
Proposals from the School of Business (going first as Patrick must leave early)
Contact Person: Patrick Soleymani, Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Programs
3-5137 [email protected]
New Courses (ACTION ITEMS):
- MIS 410 Advanced Database Systems
- MIS 415 Information Systems Audit and Control
- MIS 420 Information Systems Security and Assurance
Inactivate Courses (ANNOUNCEMENT):
- MIS 411 Management and Control of Information Systems
- MIS 435 Knowledge Management
- MIS 440 E-Commerce Business Models and Applications
Proposals from the College of Education and Human Development
Contact Person: Ellen Rodgers, Associate Dean, Student and Academic Affairs
3-2034 [email protected]
New Minor (ACTION ITEM):
- Minor Sport Analytics (withdrawn)
Modify Program (ANNOUNCEMENT):
Modify Courses (ANNOUNCEMENT):
Delete Courses (ANNOUNCEMENT):
- EDSE 405Introduction to Early Childhood Special Education
- EDSE 415 Early Intervention for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities: Collaborative and
Current Consultative Approaches - EDSE 456 Language Development and Communication for Diverse Infants and Toddlers
- EDSE 458 Medical Aspects of Physical and Sensory Disabilities in Young Children
- EDSE 459 Curriculum and Methods: Early Childhood Special Education
Proposal from the College of Health and Human Services
Contact Person: Cathy Tompkins, Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Studies,
3-2838, [email protected]
New Course (ACTION ITEM):
- NUTR 326 Food Systems
Modified Program (ANNOUNCEMENT):
Proposal from the College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Contact Person: Vita Vock, Associate Dean, Undergraduate Academic Affairs
3-1060 [email protected]
New Course (ACTION ITEM):
- INTS 417 Human Trafficking and the International Community
Introduction of Course to Non-Western Culture List (ACTION ITEM):
- ARAB 360 Topics in Arabic Cultural Production
Modified Programs (ANNOUNCEMENTS):
- BA/BS Integrative Studies
- BA Integrative Studies – Concentration in Childhood Studies (
- BA Integrative Studies – Concentration in Early Childhood Education
- BA Integrative Studies – Concentration in Elementary Education
- BA Integrative Studies – Concentration in International Studies
- BA Integrative Studies – Concentration in Leadership and Organizational Development
- BA Integrative Studies – Concentration in Legal Studies
Deleted Programs (ANNOUNCEMENT):
Modified Course (ANNOUNCEMENT):
- INTS 390 International Internship
Proposals from the College of Visual and Performing Arts
Contact Person: Nicole Springer, Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Programs
3-5232 [email protected]
New Programs (ACTION ITEM):
- Minor in World Dance
New Courses (ACTION ITEMS):
Modified Programs (ANNOUNCEMENTS):
Modified Courses (ANNOUNCEMENTS):
- MUSI 100 Fundamentals of Music
- MUSI 101 Intro to Classical Music
- MUSI 102 Popular Music in America
- MUSI 103 Musics of the World
- MUSI 104 Intro to 20th Century Music
- MUSI 105 Music in the USA
- MUSI 106 Fundamentals of Rock, Blues and Jazz
- MUSI 213 Aural Skills II
- MUSI 254 Music and Technology
- MUSI 301 Music in Motion Pictures
- MUSI 302 American Musical Theater
- MUSI 319 Class Composition and Arranging
- MUSI 323 Music Education Recital
- MUSI 324 Junior Recital
- MUSI 351 Keyboard Pedagogy
- MUSI 354 Electronic Composition
- MUSI 355 Recording Techniques
- MUSI 358 Music Programming
- MUSI 359 Topics in Music Technology
- MUSI 361 Class Strings: violin, viola, cello, and bass
- MUSI 363 Class Woodwinds
- MUSI 365 Class Brass: Trumpet, French Horn
- MUSI 366 Class Percussion
- MUSI 367 Class Guitar
- MUSI 368 Class Voice
- MUSI 369 Class Brass: Trombone, Euphonium, Tuba
- MUSI 372 Techniques of Accompanying II
- MUSI 391 Conducting I
- MUSI 419 Orchestration
- MUSI 424 Senior Recital
- MUSI 441 Applied Music Instruction III
- MUSI 452 Jazz Improvisation II
- MUSI 455 Music as a Healing Art
- MUSI 461 Teaching General Music in Elementary
- MUSI 463 Teaching Vocal Music in Secondary
- MUSI 464 Instrumental Mus Methods I
- MUSI 466 Instrumental Mus Methods II
- MUSI 467 Instrumental Mus Methods I: Orchestra
- MUSI 477 Music and Consciousness
Proposal from the College of Science
Contact Person: Dr. Kevin Curtin, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
3-4243 [email protected]
New Courses (ACTION ITEM):
- BIOL 401 Phage Discovery
- BIOL 412 Phage Genomics
- BIOL 442 Urban Ecosystems and Processes
- FRSC 401 Crime Scene Investigations
- FRSC 406 Forensic Internship
- FRSC 499 Comprehensive Examination
- PHYS 465 Planetary Atmospheres and Ionospheres (note: a new faculty member wants to study this subject)
Modified Programs (ANNOUNCEMENT):
- BS Biology
- BS Forensic Science
Modified Courses (ANNOUNCEMENT):
- ASTR103 Astronomy
- BIOL 312 Biostatistics for Bioinformatics
- BIOL 482 Introduction to Molecular Genetics
- CDS 491 Internship
- CHEM 321 Quantitative Chemical Analysis
- FRSC 200 Survey of Forensic Science
- FRSC 201 Introduction to Criminalistics
- FRSC 302Forensic Trace Analysis
- FRSC 303 Forensic Evidence and Ethics
- FRSC 304 Forensic Chemistry
- FRSC 405 Independent Research Methods
- FRSC 460 Forensic Molecular Biology
- GGS 411 Advanced Digital Cartography
- MATH108 Introductory Calculus with Business Operations
Proposal from Volgenau School of Engineering
Contact Person: Pelin Kurtay, Associate Chair, Electrical and Computer Engineering
3-7606 [email protected]
Modified Programs (ANNOUNCEMENT):
Modified Courses (ANNOUNCEMENT):
- ECE 491 Engineering Seminar
- ECE 492 Senior Advanced Design Project I
- STAT 462 Applied Multivariate Statistics
- STAT 463Introduction to Exploratory Data Analysis
- SYST 495Senior Design Project II
Proposal from the Center for Academic Advising, Retention and Transitions
Contact Person: Ann Lewis, Assistant Dean
3-4203 [email protected]
New Course (ACTION ITEM):
- UNIV 371 Dimensions of Well-Being
Proposal from INTO Mason
Contact Person: Nicole J. Harris-Sealey, Academic Director
3-3378 [email protected]
Modified Program (ANNOUNCEMENT):
IV. Adjournment