Wednesday, October 21, 2020 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
I. Call to Order:
II. Announcements/Discussion
Update from Title IX
Grand Engineering Challenges
Mason Core and Program Requirements (VSE)
Action Items
PROV | Modified | Program | UN-BS-BDCO: Biodiversity Conservation, BS |
BUS | New | Course | MKTG 335: Strategic Brand Management |
CHSS | New | Course | PSYC 410: The Psychology of Environmental Stewardship |
CHSS | New | Course | RELI 271: The Bible as Literature |
CHSS | New | Course | RELI 300: Theories and Methods in Religious Studies |
COS | New | Course | BIOL 429: Biological Foundations of Pharmacology |
COS | New | Course | CHEM 472: Modern Polymer Chemistry |
COS | New | Course | GGS 426: Physical Fundamentals of Remote Sensing |
COS | New | Course | GGS 429: Remote Sensing of the Environment and Earth System |
COS | New | Course | PHYS 411: Renewable Energy Internship |
VSE | New | Course | BENG 314: Pathophysiology and the Role of New Technologies in Human Diseases |
VSE | New | Course | BENG 375: Intellectual Property, Regulatory Concepts and Product Development |
VSE | New | Course | ME 421: HVAC Design |
VSE | New | Course | ME 425: Renewable Energy Engineering |
VSE | New | Course | ME 475: Aeronautics I |
VSE | New | Course | ME 476: Aeronautics II |
CHSS Modified Course CRIM 304: Computer Crime, Forensics, and Auditing
VSE | Modified | Course | BENG 320: Bioengineering Signals and Systems |
VSE | Modified | Course | ECE 492: Senior Advanced Design Project I |
VSE | Modified | Course | IT 102: Discrete Structures |
VSE | Modified | Course | IT 300: Modern Telecommunications |
VSE | Modified | Course | IT 341: Data Communications and Network Principles |
VSE | Modified | Course | IT 488: Fundamentals of Satellite Communications |
BUS | Modified | Program | BU-BS-BUS: Business, BS |
BUS | Modified | Program | MKTG: Marketing Minor |
CEHD | Modified | Program | E1-BS-TEM: Tourism and Events Management, BS |
VSE | Modified | Program | ECE: Electrical and Computer Engineering Minor |
VSE | Modified | Program | INFT: Information Technology Minor |
VSE | Modified | Program | VS-BS-STIC: Statistics, BS |
COS | Modified | Course | FRSC 499: Comprehensive Examination |
VSE | Modified | Course | BENG 350: Neural System Designs |
VSE | Modified | Course | IT 461: Application Development in Cloud |
VSE | Modified | Course | IT 471: Big Data on Cloud Systems |
VSE | Modified | Course | IT 492: Senior Design Project I |
VSE | Modified | Course | STAT 489: Pre-Capstone Professional Development |
VSE | Inactivated | Course | ECE 220: Continuous-Time Signals and Systems |
VSE | Inactivated | Course | ECE 331: Digital System Design |
VSE | Inactivated | Course | ECE 332: Digital Electronics and Logic Design Lab |