
November 2021 UGC Agenda

Wednesday, November 17, 2021 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM

I. Call to Order: 

II. Announcements/Discussion

 Administrative Updates

SACSCOC Updates: Matt Smith

SCHEV  Updates:  SusanWoodruff

Registrar Updates: Tom Butler

  •  Catalog – new space for student learning outcomes
  • Matthew DeSantis will discuss the connection to the assessment process

College Curriculum Processes

Action Items


SCHAR New Program : Bachelor’s Degree (any)/Organization Development and Knowledge Management, Accelerated MS
CHHS New Program : Public Health, BS


CEC Modified Program EC-BS-CEIE: Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, BS
CEHD Modified Program E1-BS-KNES: Kinesiology, BS


CEC New Course ME 395: Mechanical Engineering Internship
CEC New Course SYST 448: Technologies and Security for Cryptocurrencies and Financial Transactions
CHHS New Course NURS 113: Population Health Nursing
CHHS New Course NURS 214: Nursing Care of the Community I
CHHS New Course NURS 215: Nursing Care of the Community II
CHHS New Course NURS 241: Essentials of Nursing Practice
CHHS New Course NURS 244: Clinical Management of Essentials of Nursing Practice
CHHS New Course NURS 300: Nursing Care of Adults I
CHHS New Course NURS 306: Clinical Management: Adults I
CHHS New Course NURS 315: Nursing Care of the Community III 
CHHS New Course NURS 316: Nursing Care of the Community IV
CHSS New Course FOLK 100: Global Folklore
CHSS New Course RELI 312: Islam
CHSS New Course RELI 366: Jewish Political Tradition


CHSS Modified Course ANTH 450: Ethnographic Research Methods
CHSS Modified Course HDFS 498: Internship and Analysis in Human Development and Family Science
CHSS Modified Course INTS 410: Contemporary Health: Intersections in Science and Society



CEC Modified Program SYST: Systems Engineering Minor
CEHD Modified Program KNES: Kinesiology Minor
CHSS Modified Program LA-BA-SOCI: Sociology, BA
COS Modified Program : Bachelor’s Degree (selected)/Environmental Science and Policy Accelerated Master’s
COS Modified Program : Chemistry, BS/Chemistry, Accelerated MS
COS Modified Program SC-BS-EVSC: Environmental Science, BS
CVPA Modified Program : Theater, BA/Arts Management, Accelerated MA


CEC Modified Course CEIE 409: Professional Practice and Management in Engineering
CEHD Modified Course EDSE 412: Braille Code
CEHD Modified Course EDSE 413: Medical and Educational Implications of Blindness and Visual Impairments
CEHD Modified Course EDSE 417: Teaching Methods for Students with Blindness and Visual Impairments
CEHD Modified Course EDSE 418: Curriculum and Assessment of Students with Blindness and Visual Impairments
CHSS Modified Course INTS 321: Parent-Child Relations
CHSS Modified Course INTS 391: Understanding Integrative Studies


CHSS Inactivated Course RELI 271: The Bible as Literature
CHSS Inactivated Course RELI 316: Modern Christian Thought
CHSS Inactivated Course RELI 320: Religion and Revolution in Latin America
CHSS Inactivated Course RELI 331: Religion in America
CHSS Inactivated Course RELI 332: Mormonism
CHSS Inactivated Course RELI 337: Mysticism: East and West
CHSS Inactivated Course RELI 353: Jewish Political Tradition
CHSS Inactivated Course RELI 355: Sufism
CHSS Inactivated Course RELI 356: Jesus and the Gospels
CHSS Inactivated Course RELI 361: Evangelical America
CHSS Inactivated Course RELI 362: Religion and Film
CHSS Inactivated Course RELI 363: Catholicism
CHSS Inactivated Course RELI 365: Muhammad: Life and Legacy
CHSS Inactivated Course RELI 370: Judaism
CHSS Inactivated Course RELI 372: American Judaism
CHSS Inactivated Course RELI 374: Islamic Thought
CHSS Inactivated Course RELI 375: Qur’an and Hadith
CHSS Inactivated Course RELI 376: Special Topics in Religious Thought
CHSS Inactivated Course RELI 379: Islamic Law, Society, and Ethics
CHSS Inactivated Course RELI 381: Beginnings of Christianity
CHSS Inactivated Course RELI 387: Islam, Democracy, and Human Rights