April 2018 Agenda

Wednesday, April 11, 2018, 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM

I. Call to Order: 

II. Announcements/Discussion

  • Updates on Mason Impact
  • Announcement from Priyanka Champaneri: Classroom availability during Robinson construction:
  • Academic SchedulingFAQs handout
  • RobinsonConstructionFAQs handout
  • Guests:
  • Rick Gray and Emilie Dubert from Mason Reads will be joining us to discuss their program
  • Ruth Townsend from the Office of Compliance, Diversity, and Ethics will discuss MAAPs (Mason Academic Accessibility Plans): MAAPs_handout

IIINew Business

Action Items


No New Programs Submitted


BUS-New Course- FNAN 492: Internship in Finance
PROV-New Course- INYO 101: Transition INTO Mason II
BUS-New Course- MGMT 492: Internship in Management
BUS-New Course- MIS 492: Internship in Management Information Systems
BUS-New Course MKTG 492: Internship in Marketing



BUS-Edited Course- MKTG 303: Principles of Marketing
COS-Edited Course- BIOL 309: Introduction to Oceanography
COS-Edited Course- CONS 496: Research in Conservation



BUS-Inactivate Course- ACCT 301: Financial Accounting and Managerial Decision Making
BUS-Inactivate Course- BULE 302: Legal Environment of Business
BUS-Inactivate Course- FNAN 301: Financial Management
BUS-Inactivate Course- MGMT 301: People and Organizations
BUS-Inactivate Course- MGMT 312: Principles and Practices of Management
BUS-Inactivate Course- MIS 102: Spreadsheet Applications for Business
BUS-Inactivate Course- MIS 301: Introduction to Business Information Systems
BUS-Inactivate Course- MKTG 301: Principles of Marketing
BUS-Inactivate Course- OM 210: Statistical Analysis for Management
BUS-Inactivate Course- OM 301: Operations Management
BUS-Inactivate Course- SOM 301: Business Models: A Communication Approach
CEHD-Inactivate Course- KINE 249: An Analysis of Boxing
CHSS-Inactivate Course- CHIN 109: Intensive Elementary Chinese
CHSS-Inactivate Course- CLAS 499: Senior Seminar in Classical Studies
CHSS-Inactivate Course- COMM 150: Communication Skills for International Students
CHSS-Inactivate Course- COMM 469: Structure of the Telecommunications Industry
CHSS-Inactivate Course- INTS 165: Independent Study
CHSS-Inactivate Course- INTS 194: Service-Learning Experience
CHSS-Inactivate Course- INTS 290: Internship
CHSS-Inactivate Course- INTS 493: Graduation Portfolio
CHSS-Inactivate Course- SPAN 486: Topics in Latin American Literature I: Pre-colonial to Mid-19th Century
COS-Inactivate Course- CHEM 333: Physical Chemistry for the Life Sciences I
COS-Inactivate Course- CHEM 334: Physical Chemistry for the Life Sciences II
COS-Inactivate Course- CONS 403: Ecology and Conservation Theory
COS-Inactivate Course- CONS 411: Science Communication for Conservation
COS-Inactivate Course- MATH 007: Prep Quant Rsng-In Class
COS-Inactivate Course- PHYS 101: Light and Sound in Our World
COS-Inactivate Course- PHYS 102: Sports Physics
COS-Inactivate Course- PHYS 121: Uses of Physics
CVPA-Inactivate Course- AVT 355: Color Photo Methods
CVPA-Inactivate Course- AVT 378: The African American Experience in the Performing Arts
CVPA-Inactivate Course- AVT 392: Gallery Practices
CVPA-Inactivate Course- AVT 445: Printmaking VI
CVPA-Inactivate Course- MUSI 104: Introduction to Twentieth-Century Music
CVPA-Inactivate Course- MUSI 105: Music in the United States
CVPA-Inactivate Course- MUSI 121: NonMaj PMI:First Instrum
CVPA-Inactivate Course- MUSI 122: NonMaj PMI:Secnd Instrum
CVPA-Inactivate Course- MUSI 321: Non-Major PMI
CVPA-Inactivate Course- MUSI 384: Symphonic Chorus
CVPA-Inactivate Course- MUSI 465: Selected Topics in Music Education
CVPA-Inactivate Course- THR 190: Special Topics
VSE-Inactivate Course- ENGR 202: Thermodynamics
VSE-Inactivate Course- IT 198: Independent Study in Information Technology



No Edited Programs Submitted


BUS-Edited Course ACCT 361: Accounting Analytics
CHSS-Edited Course- ARAB 300: Advanced Arabic
CHSS-Edited Course- ARAB 330: Reading and Conversation I
CHSS-Edited Course- ARAB 331: Reading and Conversation II
CHSS-Edited Course- ARAB 380: Arabic Dialects
CHSS-Edited Course- ARAB 498: Independent Study
CVPA-Edited Course- AVT 313: Editorial Design
CVPA-Edited Course- AVT 412: Advanced Typography
COS-Edited Course- BIOL 350: Freshwater Ecosystems
COS-Edited Course- BIOL 355: Ecological Engineering and Ecosystem Restoration
COS-Edited Course- BIOL 402: Applied and Industrial Microbiology
COS-Edited Course- BIOL 403: Techniques in Applied and Industrial Microbiology
PROV-Edited Course- EAP 100: Special Topics
CVPA-Edited Course- FAVS 475: Advanced Fiction Directing
COS-Edited Course- PHYS 410: Computational Physics Capstone

Survey Results for UGC April

IV.  Adjournment


College/SchoolContact TitlePhoneEmail
INTO MASONDr. Karyn KesslerAssociate Director, Curriculum and Instruction3-5014kkessle3@gmu.edu
THE OFFICE OF THE PROVOSTMs. Jacquelyn L. NashAssociate Director, Undergraduate Education3-3223jhilldru@gmu.edu
THE OFFICE OF THE PROVOSTMs. Marcy GloverOps Mgr, Acad Initiatives and Services/4-VA3-8722mglover2@gmu.edu
THE SCHOOL OF BUSINESSDr. Patrick SoleymaniAssistant Dean for Undergraduate Programs3-5137psoleyma@gmu.edu
THE COLLEGE OF EDUCATION AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENTDr. Ellen RodgersAssociate Dean, Student and Academic Affairs3-2034erodger1@gmu.edu
THE COLLEGE OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICESDr. Robert WeilerAssociate Dean, Academic Affairs, Global Health3-1920rweiler@gmu.edu
THE COLLEGE OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCESDr. Lisa BregliaDirector, Global Affairs Program3-9184lbreglia@gmu.edu
THE COLLEGE OF SCIENCEDr. Padmanabhan SeshaiyerAssociate Dean for Academic Affairs3-9787pseshaiy@gmu.edu
THE COLLEGE OF VISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTS Dr. Karen ReedyAssoc Dean for Undergraduate Ed3-9767kreedy@gmu.edu
THE HONORS COLLEGEDr. Jan AllbeckAssociate Dean, Honors College3-1101jallbeck@gmu.edu
THE SCHAR SCHOOL OF POLICY AND GOVERNMENTDr. Ann LudwickAssistant Dean for Undergraduate Academic Affairs3-1415aludwick@gmu.edu
THE SCHOOL FOR CONFLICT ANALYSIS AND RESOLUTIONDr. Mara SchoenyAssociate Professor, Director, Undergraduate Program3-9191mschoeny@gmu.edu
THE VOLGENAU SCHOOL OF ENGINEERINGDr. Colin ReagleAssistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering3-1712creagle@gmu.edu