
February 2023 UGC Agenda


Wednesday, February 15, 2023 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM

I. Call to Order: 

II. Announcements/Discussion

 Administrative Updates

SACSCOC Updates:

SCHEV  Updates:  Susan Woodruff

Registrar Updates: Tom Butler


  • Mason Core Updates
  • Student Academic Success Presentations:
    • CEHD
    • CPH

III. New Business

Action Items


CHSS Modified Program LA-BS-INTS: Integrative Studies, BS


CEHD New Course KINE 295: Principles of Human Nutrition
CEHD New Course KINE 355: Introduction to Biomechanics
CEHD New Course KINE 404: Motor Control Theory and Application
CEHD New Course KINE 480: Special Topics in Kinesiology
CHSS New Course CRIM 415: Guns and Crime in America
CHSS New Course FRLN 390: Language, Race and Racism
CHSS New Course HIST 323: England in the High Middle Ages
CHSS New Course HIST 324: Tudor and Stuart England
CHSS New Course INTS 313: Therapeutic Benefits of Play
CHSS New Course INTS 323: The Hospitalized Child and Family


CHSS Modified Course INTS 348: Digital Futures
CHSS Modified Course PSYC 362: Psychology of Gender
COS Modified Course BIOL 437: Ornithology
COS Modified Course EVPP 437: Ornithology


CHSS Inactivated Course ANTH 375: Culture, Power, History
CHSS Inactivated Course COMM 157: Digital Media Workshop
CHSS Inactivated Course COMM 366: Visual Communication
CHSS Inactivated Course COMM 456: Comparative Mass Media
CHSS Inactivated Course HIST 367: History, Fiction, and Film in Latin America



CEHD Modified Program E1-BSED-ELED: Elementary Education, BSEd
CEHD Modified Program ECDL: Early Childhood Education for Diverse Learners Minor
COS Modified Program SC-BS-BIOL: Biology, BS
COS Modified Program SC-BS-FRSC: Forensic Science, BS
COS Modified Program SC-BS-MLAB: Medical Laboratory Science, BS
CVPA Modified Program GAME: Computer Game Design Minor



CEHD Modified Course ELED 390: Clinical Experience: Theory to Practice Integration, Part 1
CHSS Modified Course ARTH 335: Arts of Medieval England
CHSS Modified Course ENGH 323: Studies in Shakespeare
CHSS Modified Course INTS 360: The Built Environment
CHSS Modified Course INTS 455: Consciousness and Transformation in Action
CHSS Modified Course LING 499: Independent Study
COS Modified Course EVPP 434: Food-Energy-Water-Climate Nexus


CEHD Inactivated Course ATEP 320: Therapeutic Interventions Foundations
CEHD Inactivated Course EDCI 372: Teaching Mathematics in the Secondary School
CEHD Inactivated Course EDCI 469: Teaching English in Secondary School
CEHD Inactivated Course EDCI 472: Advanced Methods for Teaching Mathematics in the Secondary School
CEHD Inactivated Course EDCI 473: Teaching Science in the Secondary School
CEHD Inactivated Course EDCI 479: Advanced Methods of Teaching English in the Secondary School
CEHD Inactivated Course EDCI 483: Advanced Methods of Teaching Science in Secondary School
CEHD Inactivated Course ELED 420: Arts Integration in Elem Ed
CEHD Inactivated Course ELED 444: Curriculum and Methods of Teaching in Elementary Education
CEHD Inactivated Course ELED 445: Differentiating Elementary Methods and Management
CEHD Inactivated Course ELED 455: Literacy Teaching and Learning in Diverse Elementary Classrooms I
CEHD Inactivated Course ELED 456: Literacy Teaching and Learning in Diverse Elementary Classrooms II
CEHD Inactivated Course ELED 491: Internship Seminar in Elem Ed
CHSS Inactivated Course ANTH 340: Comparative Perspectives on Immigration
CHSS Inactivated Course ANTH 345: Ritual and Power in Social Life
CHSS Inactivated Course ANTH 488: Gender, Sexuality, and Culture
CHSS Inactivated Course ANTH 496: Evolutionary Theory
CHSS Inactivated Course ARAB 350: Media Arabic I (Written Media)
CHSS Inactivated Course COMM 255: Introduction to Media Literacy
CHSS Inactivated Course COMM 330: Principles of Public Relations
CHSS Inactivated Course COMM 346: Yearbook Workshop
CHSS Inactivated Course COMM 480: College to Career: Strategies for Transition
CHSS Inactivated Course FREN 391: French for the Business World
COS Inactivated Course CDS 487: Electronic Structure Computations