March 2022 UGC Agenda

Wednesday, March 23, 2021 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM

I. Call to Order: 

II. Announcements/Discussion

 Administrative Updates

SACSCOC Updates: Matt Smith

SCHEV  Updates:  Susan Woodruff

Registrar Updates: Tom Butler

College Curriculum Processes


Action Items


CHHS New Program : Physical Activity in Public Health Minor
CHSS New Program : Bachelor’s Degree (any)/Communication, Accelerated MA
CHSS New Program : Philosophy for Social Change
COS New Program : Science and Technology Policy Minor


CEC Modified Program : Mechanical Engineering, BS/Applied and Engineering Physics, Accelerated MS
CEC Modified Program EC-BS-ACS: Applied Computer Science, BS
CEC Modified Program EC-BS-ME: Mechanical Engineering, BS
CEC Modified Program EC-BS-SYST: Systems Engineering, BS
CEHD Modified Program : Bachelor’s Degree (any)/Special Education, Accelerated MEd
CHHS Modified Program : Bachelor’s Degree (any)/Public Health, Accelerated MPH
CHSS Modified Program : Bachelor’s Degree (any)/Economics, Accelerated MA
CHSS Modified Program : Bachelor’s Degree (any)/Global Affairs, Accelerated MA
CHSS Modified Program : Bachelor’s Degree (any)/Interdisciplinary Studies, Accelerated MAIS (Social Justice and Human Rights Concentration)
CHSS Modified Program : Bachelor’s Degree (any)/Interdisciplinary Studies, Accelerated MAIS (War and the Military in Society Concentration)
CHSS Modified Program : Bachelor’s Degree (any)/Interdisciplinary Studies, Accelerated MAIS (Women and Gender Studies Concentration)
CHSS Modified Program : Bachelor’s Degree (any)/Middle East and Islamic Studies, Accelerated MA
CHSS Modified Program AAMS: African and African American Studies Minor
CHSS Modified Program CHDS: Childhood Studies Minor
CHSS Modified Program LA-BA-EVSS: Environmental and Sustainability Studies, BA
CHSS Modified Program LA-BA-HDFS: Human Development and Family Science, BA
CHSS Modified Program LA-BA-INTS: Integrative Studies, BA
CHSS Modified Program LA-BS-INTS: Integrative Studies, BS (held until next meeting)
CHSS Modified Program LA-BS-PSYC: Psychology, BS
CHSS Modified Program LSHP: Leadership Minor
CHSS Modified Program NPS: Nonprofit Studies Minor
CHSS Modified Program LA-BA-GLOA: Global Affairs, BA


CHSS Inactivated Program : Communication, BA/Communication, Accelerated MA
CHSS Inactivated Program SINN: Social Innovation Minor
COS Inactivated Program SC-CERB-CCBS: Career Changer’s Biological Sciences Undergraduate Certificate
COS Inactivated Program SC-CERB-GEOM: GeoManagement Undergraduate Certificate


BUS New Course MKTG 450: Marketing Consulting
CEC New Course ECE 240: C Programming for Engineers
CEC New Course ECE 414: Grid Digitization and Automation
CEC New Course ECE 418: Power System Protection and Control
CEC New Course ECE 419: Power Electronics for Modern Power Systems
CEC New Course ECE 455: GPU Architecture and Programming
CEC New Course ECE 480: Small Spacecraft Engineering
CEC New Course IT 416: Introduction to Machine Learning
CEC New Course IT 425: Election Security
CEC New Course ME 477: Aircraft Propulsion
CHSS New Course ANTH 321: The Cultures of Death
CHSS New Course ARAB 365: Black and Minority Cultures in Arabic Literature
CHSS New Course CHIN 400: Chinese Pedagogical Grammar & Teaching Methodology
CHSS New Course INTS 441: Policing Black Bodies
CHSS New Course LING 475: Computers and Language
CHSS New Course LING 489: Morphology
CHSS New Course LING 496: Special Topics in Linguistics
CHSS New Course PHIL 372: Conceptual Foundations of the Life Sciences
CHSS New Course RELI 237: Religion and Art
CEC New Course CS 108: Intro to Computer Programming, Part A   (held until next meeting)
CEC New Course CS 109: Intro to Computer Programming, Part B    (held until next meeting)
CEC New Course CS 452: Virtual Reality
CEC New Course CS 478: Natural Language Processing
INTO New Course INYO 261: Mentoring Multilingual Learners
PROV New Course BAS 492: Capstone Development
PROV New Course BAS 493: BAS Capstone
CHSS New Course ARAB 385: Migrating Voices in Arabic Literature


CEC Modified Course BENG 492: Senior Advanced Design Project I
CEC Modified Course ECE 416: Electric Machinery and Modern Applications
CEC Modified Course IT 209: Introduction to Object Oriented Programming
CEC Modified Course IT 213: Multimedia and Web Design
CEC Modified Course IT 214: Database Fundamentals
CEC Modified Course IT 223: Information Security Fundamentals
CEC Modified Course IT 471: Big Data on Cloud Systems
CHSS Modified Course PHIL 371: Philosophy of the Natural Sciences
COS Modified Course BIOL 309: Oceanography
COS Modified Course EVPP 336: Human Dimensions of the Environment


MATH Inactivated Course MATH 112: Discrete Mathematics for IT



BUS Modified Program : School of Business Requirements and Academic Policies
BUS Modified Program BU-BS-BUS: Business, BS
BUS Modified Program MKTG: Marketing Minor
CEC Modified Program EC-BS-CS: Computer Science, BS
CEC Modified Program EC-BS-CYSE: Cyber Security Engineering, BS
CEC Modified Program EC-CERB-CS: Computer Science Undergraduate Certificate
CEC Modified Program EC-CERB-INFT: Information Technology Undergraduate Certificate
CEC Modified Program INFT: Information Technology Minor
CHSS Modified Program : Anthropology, BA/Anthropology, Accelerated MA
CHSS Modified Program CLA: Classical Studies Minor
CHSS Modified Program CLPY: Clinical Psychology Minor
CHSS Modified Program CLS: Criminology, Law and Society Minor
CHSS Modified Program COM: Communication Minor
CHSS Modified Program IO: Industrial/Organizational Psychology Minor
CHSS Modified Program ISLM: Islamic Studies Minor
CHSS Modified Program ITLN: Italian Studies Minor
CHSS Modified Program JS: Judaic Studies Minor
CHSS Modified Program LA-BA-AH: Art History, BA
CHSS Modified Program LA-BA-CLS: Criminology, Law and Society, BA
CHSS Modified Program LA-BA-COM: Communication, BA
CHSS Modified Program LA-BA-ENGL: English, BA
CHSS Modified Program LA-BA-FRLN: Foreign Languages, BA
CHSS Modified Program LA-BA-GLOA: Global Affairs, BA
CHSS Modified Program LA-BA-HIST: History, BA
CHSS Modified Program LA-BA-PHIL: Philosophy, BA
CHSS Modified Program LA-BA-PSYC: Psychology, BA
CHSS Modified Program LA-BA-RELI: Religious Studies, BA
CHSS Modified Program LA-BA-SOCI: Sociology, BA
CHSS Modified Program LA-BFA-CW: Creative Writing, BFA
CHSS Modified Program LA-BIS-INDV: Individualized Study, BIS
CHSS Modified Program LA-BS-CLS: Criminology, Law and Society, BS
CHSS Modified Program MEST: Medieval Studies Minor
CHSS Modified Program PTW: Professional and Technical Writing Minor
CHSS Modified Program WELB: Well-Being Minor
COS Modified Program : Biology, BS/Biology, Accelerated MS
COS Modified Program CS: Computer Science Minor
COS Modified Program EVSC: Environmental Science Minor
COS Modified Program GEOL: Geology Minor
COS Modified Program SC-BA-BIOL: Biology, BA
COS Modified Program SC-BS-CHEM: Chemistry, BS


CEC Modified Course CYSE 430: Critical Infrastructure Protection
CEC Modified Course CYSE 445: System Security and Resilience
CEC Modified Course CYSE 479: Methods of User Authentication
CEC Modified Course CYSE 491: Engineering Senior Seminar
CEC Modified Course CYSE 492: Senior Advanced Design Project I
CEC Modified Course ECE 231: Digital System Design
CEC Modified Course ECE 232: Digital System Design Lab
CEC Modified Course ECE 417: Smart Grid and Cyber Security
CEC Modified Course ECE 447: Microcontrollers
CEC Modified Course ECE 470: Introduction to Humanoid Robotics
CEC Modified Course IT 431: Web II: Advanced Web Development
CEHD Modified Course EDCI 423: Methods for Teaching PK-6 English Learners in Inclusive Classrooms
CHSS Modified Course ARTH 350: History of Photography
CHSS Modified Course CHSS 101: CHSS First Year Experience: LC
CHSS Modified Course CHSS 490: CHSS Undergraduate Teaching Practicum
CHSS Modified Course ENGH 486: RS: Writing Nonfiction for the Public
CHSS Modified Course FREN 420: Modern and Contemporary French Literature and Culture
CHSS Modified Course INTS 491: Senior Capstone
CHSS Modified Course PHIL 377: The Darwinian Revolution in Modern Thought
CHSS Modified Course RUSS 326: 19th Century Literature in Translation
CHSS Modified Course RUSS 327: 20th-Century Literature in Translation
COS Modified Course GEOL 102: Historical Geology
COS Modified Course GEOL 302: Mineralogy
COS Modified Course GEOL 304: Sedimentary Geology
COS Modified Course GEOL 305: Environmental Geology
COS Modified Course GEOL 306: Soil Science
COS Modified Course GEOL 308: Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology
COS Modified Course GEOL 312: Invertebrate Paleontology
COS Modified Course GEOL 313: Hydrogeology
COS Modified Course GEOL 315: Topics in Geology II
COS Modified Course GEOL 316: Computers in Geology
COS Modified Course GEOL 317: Geomorphology
COS Modified Course GEOL 320: Geology of Earth Resources
COS Modified Course GEOL 321: Geology of Energy Resources
COS Modified Course GEOL 325: Planetary Geology
COS Modified Course GEOL 334: Vertebrate Paleontology
COS Modified Course GEOL 340: Modern Methods in Geology
COS Modified Course GEOL 364: Marine Geology
COS Modified Course GEOL 403: Geochemistry
COS Modified Course GEOL 404: Geological Field Techniques
COS Modified Course GEOL 417: Geophysics
COS Modified Course GEOL 441: Great Events in Earth History
CVPA Modified Course THR 339: Principles of Design


CEHD New Course RMGT 210: Introduction to Recreation and Leisure
CEHD New Course RMGT 220: Experiential Education Theory and Application
CEHD New Course RMGT 241: Practicum
CEHD New Course RMGT 250: Wilderness Travel and Sustainability
CEHD New Course RMGT 290: Aquatic Operation and Management
CEHD New Course RMGT 300: People With Nature
CEHD New Course RMGT 302: Park Management and Operations
CEHD New Course RMGT 310: Program Planning and Evaluation
CEHD New Course RMGT 316: Leadership and Outdoor Education
CEHD New Course RMGT 317: Social Psychology of Play and Recreation
CEHD New Course RMGT 323: Program Leadership and Evaluation
CEHD New Course RMGT 327: Foundations of Therapeutic Recreation
CEHD New Course RMGT 362: Cultural and Environmental Interpretation
CEHD New Course RMGT 402: Human Behavior in Natural Environments
CEHD New Course RMGT 405: Planning and Operation of Recreation Facilities
CEHD New Course RMGT 410: Administration of SRT Organizations I
CEHD New Course RMGT 411: Administration of SRT Organizations II
CEHD New Course RMGT 416: Trends and Programming Assessment in Therapeutic Recreation
CEHD New Course RMGT 417: Processes, Techniques and Supervision in Therapeutic Recreation
CEHD New Course RMGT 418: Assessment in Therapeutic Recreation
CEHD New Course RMGT 460: Sport and Recreation Law
CEHD New Course RMGT 480: Special Topics in Recreation Management
CEHD New Course RMGT 490: Recreation Management Internship
CHSS New Course INTS 439: Genealogy of Black Feminist Thought


CEC Inactivated Course BENG 406: Introduction to Biomechanics
CEC Inactivated Course BENG 441: Nanomedicine and Drug Delivery
CEC Inactivated Course BENG 451: Translation and Entrepreneurship in Bioengineering
CEC Inactivated Course CYSE 220: Systems Modeling
CEC Inactivated Course CYSE 330: Introduction to Network Security
CEC Inactivated Course CYSE 475: Cyber Physical Systems
CEC Inactivated Course ECE 392: Engineering Design Studio
CEC Inactivated Course IT 328: Health Information Emerging Technologies
CEC Inactivated Course IT 413: Digital Media Editing
CEC Inactivated Course CS 444: Introduction to Computational Biology
CEC Inactivated Course CS 445: Computational Methods for Genomics
COS Inactivated Course MATH 006: Prep Quant Rsn,Self-Pace
COS Inactivated Course MATH 009: Prep Coll Algeb-In Class
COS Inactivated Course MATH 044: Business Math Preparation